Automating Online Privacy with Macchanger: A Step-by-Step Guide for Kali Linux and Ethical Hacking Enthusiasts

lakshay arora
4 min readOct 24, 2023

In today’s digitally connected world, privacy and security are more important than ever. Every time you connect to the internet, your device leaves a digital footprint that can potentially be used to track your online activities. One way to enhance your online privacy is by using a tool like Macchanger, which allows you to change your device’s MAC (Media Access Control) address. In this blog, we will explore what Macchanger is and provide step-by-step instructions on how to use it.

What is Macchanger?

Macchanger is a Linux-based tool designed to help users change their MAC address, which is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface on a device. By altering your MAC address, you can enhance your privacy and security while online. Some common use cases for Macchanger include protecting your anonymity, bypassing MAC address filtering on networks, or simply avoiding tracking.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Macchanger

Note: Macchanger is primarily designed for Linux systems, and its usage might vary slightly depending on your distribution. Make sure to open a terminal on your Linux machine and follow the steps outlined below.

Step1: Open a Terminal:To begin, open a terminal on your Linux system. You can typically find the terminal application in your system’s applications or search for it using your system’s search functionality.

Step 2: Check Your Current MAC Address:Before changing your MAC address, it’s a good idea to note down your current MAC address. To do this, enter the following command in your terminal:


This command will display information about your network interfaces, including their MAC addresses. Take note of the MAC address of the interface you wish to change.

Step 3: Disable the Network Interface : You need to disable the network interface you plan to change the MAC address for. This is typically done with the ifconfig command. Replace interface_name with the name of the network interface you want to modify. For example, “eth0” or “wlan0.

sudo ifconfig interface_name down

Step 4: Change the MAC Address: Now it’s time to use Macchanger to change your MAC address. Use the following command, replacing interface_name with the name of your network interface:

sudo macchanger -r interface_name

The -r flag instructs Macchanger to generate a random MAC address. If you prefer to specify a custom MAC address, you can use the -m flag followed by the desired MAC address. Make sure to use a valid MAC address format.

Step 5: Re-enable the Network Interface: After changing the MAC address, you’ll need to re-enable the network interface with the following command:

sudo ifconfig interface_name up

Step 6: Verify the MAC Address Change: To ensure that the MAC address has been successfully changed, use the following command:


Automate this process by using Bash script and cronjobs

Automating the process of changing your MAC address using Macchanger with cron jobs can be useful for periodically refreshing your network identity. Here’s how you can set up a cron job to change your MAC address at regular intervals:

1. Create a Shell Script:

First, create a shell script that contains the commands to disable the network interface, change the MAC address, and re-enable the interface. Open a text editor and save the following lines as a shell script, e.g.,

# Replace "interface_name" with your network interface name

# Disable the network interface
sudo ifconfig $interface_name down

# Change the MAC address to a random address
sudo macchanger -r $interface_name

# Re-enable the network interface
sudo ifconfig $interface_name up

Make sure to replace "wlan0" with the name of your network interface, as appropriate. Save this script in a directory of your choice.

2. Make the Shell Script Executable:

In the terminal, navigate to the directory where you saved the script and make it executable with the following command:

chmod +x

3. Set Up the Cron Job:

Open your crontab for editing by running the following command:

crontab -e

This will open the crontab in the default text editor. Add the following line at the end of the file to schedule your MAC address change:

# Replace "0 2 * * *" with your desired schedule (this runs the script at 2 AM every day)
0 2 * * * /path/to/your/

In the above line, "0 2 * * *" represents the schedule. You can customize it as needed. For instance, "0 2 * * *" runs the script every day at 2 AM. Adjust the schedule according to your preferences.

Make sure to replace "/path/to/your/" with the actual path to your script.

4. Save and Exit:

Save the crontab file and exit the text editor.

Now, your MAC address will be changed automatically at the scheduled times, as specified in your cron job. This can help you regularly refresh your network identity for improved online privacy and security.

Please use this automation responsibly and ensure that it complies with the laws and regulations of your jurisdiction.

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lakshay arora

Hi! I am a B.Tech student, whose enjoys reverse engineering and digital forensics. I relish reading anything and everything about cybersecurity.